Our Beliefs
At Picton Baptist Church we affirm that the Christian church is a community of those who believe in God the Father, in God the Son Jesus Christ and in God the Holy Spirit – one God; who are repentant of their sin and who have been saved by personal faith in Jesus Christ through His atoning death and resurrection; who publicly proclaim their faith and are committed to the church’s vision, aims and functions.
We believe in:
+ The true humanity and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
+ The atonement made on the Cross by our Lord for the sin of the world.
+ The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who sanctifies and who sets apart, empowers and imparts spiritual gifts to the church.
+ The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
+ Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
+ Membership of the church is for those who have received salvation.
+ The immersion of believers as the scriptural form of baptism.
We seek the following:
+ To meet regularly for worship, prayer, teaching, encouragement and fellowship.
+ To engage in the task of mission, principally in New Zealand but also overseas (Matthew 28.18–20).
+ To express God’s love to the community through ministries of the Word and practical care.
+ In every possible way to seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ and bring them into His church.
We are affiliated with the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
We believe in:
+ The true humanity and deity of the Lord Jesus Christ.
+ The atonement made on the Cross by our Lord for the sin of the world.
+ The person of the Holy Spirit as the one who sanctifies and who sets apart, empowers and imparts spiritual gifts to the church.
+ The inspiration of the Bible and its authority in all matters of faith and practice.
+ Salvation is by faith in Jesus Christ alone.
+ Membership of the church is for those who have received salvation.
+ The immersion of believers as the scriptural form of baptism.
We seek the following:
+ To meet regularly for worship, prayer, teaching, encouragement and fellowship.
+ To engage in the task of mission, principally in New Zealand but also overseas (Matthew 28.18–20).
+ To express God’s love to the community through ministries of the Word and practical care.
+ In every possible way to seek to make disciples of Jesus Christ and bring them into His church.
We are affiliated with the Baptist Union of New Zealand.
Our History
Picton Baptist Church started as an independent, evangelical house group formed in Picton on 4 March 1979. It was known as The Sunday Morning Fellowship, with about 20 people meeting regularly. After a year it was voted unanimously to approach the Blenheim Baptist Church to assist in an application to become a Baptist fellowship. Considerable help was given in expertise and finance. In faith, the AOG hall in Auckland Street was rented and after several part-time Pastors, the fellowship had grown to the extent that a house was purchased in Nelson Square and then modified for Church use. Years of growth and a very good offer on the land and building made possible the building of a Church in Waikawa on March 1986. The official opening of the Church at its current location of 293 Waikawa Road was on 5 August 1989.
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